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Fatty Liver Basics

Depending on the world region, 20 to 30 % of the entire population suffer from Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, or NAFLD. Fatty liver is measured by our validated UAP, or Ultrasound Attenuation Parameter, which defines the fat level, or steatosis, in the liver by the dispersion rate of the wave sent into the liver.


NAFLD is a part of the Metabolic syndrome, which also includes diabetes 2, hypertension and high cholesterol and triglyceride values.


The majority of NAFLD patients do not enter a process of liver fibrosis. The increased fat level in the liver remains isolated from liver fibrosis.


However, in recent years, it has been established that a portion of NAFLD become Non Alcoholic Steatotic Hepatisis, or NASH, patients.


This is where the high hepatic fat level itself has triggered a non viral, non alcoholic hepatitis, which is as dangerous and life threatening as other types of hepatitis.


The reference values of UAP (measured by db/m) for steatosis are:

v 240 db/m or more indicates mild steatosis

v 265 db/m or more indicates moderate steatosis

v 295 db/m or more indicated severe steatosis